I recently attended an Egyptian Yoga class in Glastonbury led by my friend and fellow adventurer Mahala Wall, more recently known as Smai Tawi Maha. Mahala changes her name based on the frequencies she is channelling. Mahala is adaptive, inquisitive and forthright in her impulse to unravel the true history and mysteries of life, particularly in the field of the mind and body connection. Her latest Egyptian Yoga class is one of many events I have attended in the area. For those who don’t know, Glastonbury isn’t the festival, it is a small town. The festival is held in a nearby village called Pilton. Glastonbury has a high street that embraces spiritual and mystical superstores and boutiques the way most British cities would do Greggs and M&S. It is teaming with healing practitioners, artists, music and literature events, and symposiums on a range of topics connected to living well and living wild. Mahalas Yoga class is held in White Rabbit, a temple to pleasure and self-knowledge that opens until 9 pm most nights. After being warmly welcomed into the venue, we were led to the third floor of the store into a carpeted, spacious, warm room where the yoga mats and blankets were provided. We were invited to relax and close our eyes as Mahala walked amongst us, tapping a chime that would, apparently, vibrate with our heart chakra. The movements differed from those I have experienced in the Buddhist Yoga tradition. They were less about posture alignment and more based on repetitive calming patterns that felt as though I didn’t have to work too hard. This was good for me as I am not a gym bunny, far from it, and apart from walking a lot, am resistant to stressful physical routines. I like stretchy, dance, massage and slow-movement style workouts. Rachel, Air sign, Venus, and all that. However, the movements were surprisingly effective. As we entered more deeply into the practice which included clockwise and anticlockwise hand movements, patting along the arms, legs and body, stroking upon the chest to stimulate the lymph nodes towards the heart, and comfortable stretches and bends with hand postures, we were guided to consider the many facets of ancient Egyptian beliefs and Archetypes. Khet, being the physical body, Sah, the spiritual body, Ba, the personality and many more. The class was brought gently to an end with an Egyptian mantra sung by Jacqueline Haigh, a writer, singer, traveller and a member of Mahala’s team who also leads extended events on this theme in Egypt. I don’t hold high expectations before attending a new event, whether it is a physical or thought group. My mantra is to live and let live. What may not work for me could save the life of another, but I began to feel good. I felt included and safe, as though I were enjoying a break from the heaving morass of stress and opinions occurring in the outside world. Presence is what the Egyptian Yoga experience helped me to attain. It has been important for me to learn how to be present in my body since 2022 and in a less direct way, it is one of the main themes of Venture of Belief. I became aware at the beginning of this adventure into new ways of living that although I was in the flesh I saw reflected in the mirror, my body was an object I viewed, rather than inhabited and enjoyed. I have since learned that this is an experience many people have and feel a sense of shame for. Knowing this motivates me to continue to explore the body pleasure topic as a way to help others break free from a way of living that is often put upon them by circumstances out of their control. My experience is, you can’t love yourself just because others say you are desirable. There also isn’t one way of healing that has led me closer to enjoying the whole of myself. I find lots of little answers along the way in what seems like a lifelong process. I’ll write about more of them as this blog adventure unfolds and blossoms. If walking like an Egyptian resonates with you, you can follow Mahala and Genie on their socials from the links below.
Mahala - Instagram @mahalayoga
Jaqueline - Instagram @ancientstorymagic

Thank you so much for coming along to the class, I absolutely love your writing and your outlook on life xxx
Brilliant, thank you Rachel! Xx